Time To Defend Yourself Gay Men-Or Die!

October 21-2006:
Stand & Fight Brothers-Defend Yourself Or Continue To Die!
Too often I hear and read about Gay men being attacked physically on the streets in the USA, beaten up, or killed. The attackers are mostly teens or young adolescents, who attack us in groups of three to five individuals, with Base-Ball bats, Sticks, Metal implements, or with their Bare hands. This phenomenon has been the reality in this country for too long.
So it is now our time to defend ourselves IN A REAL WAY!
There have been demonstrations, and more demonstrations in the streets of this country against "Gay Bashing," as it is referred or described. But the results or cessation of these abuses are on the increase in most cities still. Some states have enacted legislation to penalize the convicted of such HATE crimes with imprisonment and fines. But this legal deterrent has not worked either.
What & Who indulges in Gay Bashing?
Gay Bashing is both Vocal and Physical. This is also done by Gay and Bisexual men, who feel some sort of Self-hate towards themselves or other Gay men for various reasons. Mostly psychological. So this form of giving such HATRED expression is indulged in.
Heterosexuals or presumed heterosexual men and women also indulge in Bashing Homosexuals, when they have an AXE to grind personally with Homosexuality, and Homosexuals!
The Time To Physically Act Has Come:
They are several ways to defend oneself when one is attacked by these THUGS on the streets, and I will identify some of them!
* Gay Bashers attack Gay men or presumed Gay men in groups of four to six individuals. Mostly young men.
* Some Gay men feel that if they run away from this situation, they will be safe. But you are DEAD WRONG!
* If you run away when attacked, you will be pursued, and when caught, will be seriously injured, or killed. That is A FACT.
* My suggestion to you here is simply this.
* Assess the situation as these Thugs are approaching you to strike.
* Watch closely for the one that you feel you could hold on to first, or be able to wrestle with.
* Then GRAB that one, try to SINK your TEETH in his NECK or FACE.
* Do not release it until he is screaming for you to stop, and the BLOOD is spewing out from his face or neck.
* By this time, the others will get scared and start to run away from the scene. Spilling BLOOD has that effect on most people. Even THUGS.
* This is the surest way to show some form of bravery or self defense against your attackers, if you are un-armed, or without some form of self defense knowledge, skills, or weapon.
We Are Sending A Message:
When Gay men begin to stand and fight PHYSICALLY, regardless of the ODDS, then the society at large will realize that we are not all SISSIES, or FRIGHTENED SCREAMING MIMIES. But we know how to defend ourselves too.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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