Gay Relations Are In Serious Trouble!

February 05-2007:
Gay Relations Are In Serious Trouble!
The way you respond or relate to other Gay or Homosexual men and women, regardless of whether you like them physically or not. Say a lot about who, what, and the type of character you truly are.
Let me clarify this further:
Humans are expected to relate to each other civilly, in any civilized society or culture. And this goes for Gay, Homosexual, Lesbian, or Heterosexual people. As humans in a civilized society or setting, there are certain mores or behaviors that one is expected to observe, like courtesy, good manners, privacy, respect for a person's space, personal privacy, and property. When individuals fail to observe or respect these values, they come across to other people as SAVAGES, BARBARIANS, and CRUDISH.
I have found in so many circumstances that I had reason to operate in, or be a part of, e.g. Groups, Parties, or other social settings. Where Gay men cannot behave socially, cannot respond to a social overture, or solicitation without some form of Savage Rebuff, Foul Language, or basically Rudeness. Because in most cases the other person does not fit their view of what is desired physically.
He may not have the preconcieved Age, Beauty, Muscular Features, Abs, Ethnicity, Skin Color, Car, Clothes, Employment, or Education. So he or she is treated rudely, snubbed, dismissed, or simply cussed out, for showing some desire for this Self-centered Egotistical, and Vane individual's perception of himself or herself!
Detriments To Establishing Healthy Relationships:
All of the above flaws are contributing factors that prevent stable, good, healthy, or positive relationship building, or relationship possibilities. Some Gay men and women feel that because they are young in age, they have the right to dismiss those Gay men who are older, physically unfit, HIV positive, Obese, not the preferred Ethnic gender, or Cultural background. Some Gay men actually say they are in search of that 'Perfect male,' for friendship or love!
Well, I have news for those who feel that way. The PERFECT MALE or FEMALE, does not exist. And if you find one that you think is perfect for you, he may not find you desirable or perfect for him. Just keep that in mind when you seek perfection!
Responding To Personal Solicitations:
If someone tries to make friends with you, online, at a party, at the Mall, at the theatre, or any social setting. And he/she may not be physically appealing to you, just let him or her know that he or she does not physically appeal to you. This can be done in a civil manner, without being insulting. Not everyone who hits of you, will be appealing to you. But that does not give you the right to be insulting, rude, or dismissive. I have told many Gay men (from all age groups), that they do not physically appeal to me sexually. But if they feel that making friends would be a desired alternative, then that would not be a problem.
Now, that may not be a desire of yours, but at least, they deserve some explanation or response to their solicitation. Some Gay men are very CRUDE, Obnoxious, and downright Perverse when they hit on you. But even in that situation, you should show intelligence when responding, and NEVER forget civility! After all, you would feel terribly offended if someone told you after trying to make friends, that he is not looking for A NIGGA, A BLACK, A WHITE BOY, A FAT HOMO, A FEMME HOMO, Or a SISSY HOMO either!
Good Luck-And Good Hunting Brothers!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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