Revamp The Don't Ask Don't Tell legislation NOW!

May 11-2009:
Revamp The Don't Ask Don't Tell legislation NOW!
Dear Mr. President,
I implore you to repeal this unjust, disgraceful, and un-democratic legislation, that inhibits American Gays and Lesbians from serving this country within our military.
This law was enacted with the assent of your predecessor president Bill Clinton, who chose to respond to his fear of political loss, to accommodate those whose prejudice have cost this nation dearly, in combating terror.
It is now high time to Repeal this disgraceful peace of legislation IMMEDIATELY, and give our Gay and Lesbian sons and daughters the chance to serve again, in the open, without fear, embarrassment, or dishonor, if discovered for their sexual preferences.
Derryck S. Griffith.
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