The Gay Communitee's Role In This New Campaign For The Presidency-2008!

February 13-2008:
The Gay Communitee's Role In This New Campaign For The Presidency!
Hitherto, the White represented Gay-Lesbian & Transgender communities have been in the forefront for policy changes in Washington. When the Bill Clinton presidency came into vogue, it was felt that he was more sympathetic to Gay and Lesbian issues, pertaining to justice, equality, HIV & AIDS funding, (except for marriage concerns), as same gender loving communities.
Bill Clinton did not have a full democratic congress and senate majority to govern. So heavy compromises had to be accommodated. Which brings to mind the Bill "Don't Ask-Don't Tell" legislation. The witch hunt within the military subsequently. And the revamped Immigration bill that he inherited and remade to please certain interests. Much to the demise of a growing population of the un-documented, and those who were waiting in line for years to be called up for the Green card for Legal Status.
Hillary Clinton had his back all throughout those two terms in office!
When Bill Clinton left the White House, the rich was richer, wall street investors became moguls overnight, and the middle class felt a bit comfortable with the crumbs that was thrown to them while he was in office.
When Bill Clinton left the White House, the rich was richer, wall street investors became moguls overnight, and the middle class felt a bit comfortable with the crumbs that was thrown to them while he was in office.
With the advent of George W. Bush's administration, his war on terror after the twin towers disaster, and his position on Pre-emptive military action against those the USA felt threatened by, or perceived threatened by, became the new foreign policy.
A spending spree that went over board by the billions, with the republican policies on the military, special interests, contracted mercenaries in Iraq and Afghanistan, and around the world. And an economy that in going downhill, because of the outward sprint of manufacturers that Americans needed historically to survive. Which ensured a decent livelihood, via good jobs with healthcare benefits, pensions, and permanency.
George W. Bush, a so-called evangelist Christian does not believe in marriage between same sexes, abortion, stem cell research, or Internet, telephone, and travelling privacy. So he had created a national security bill which infringes upon American's personal privacy, via the CIA, the FBI, and any Federal agency that indulges in spying at home and abroad, with impunity.
So where does the Gay-Lesbian & Transgender communities come into play?
Right now, these communities are split between both candidates, on most of the issues that each see as a priority. Some of the old ghetto style political strategists feel that some of their advocates are lukewarm, too complacent, and indulging in a false sense of security.
Others feel that no candidate in the democratic camp qualifies or portrays the type of compassion or support on most of the issues that impact these communities. And with the surge of new and young voters, (both Gay and Heterosexual) currently. The traditional Gay & Lesbian community does not have any influence on this new voting block. Nor isn't sure which way this new surge will go, in terms of the issues, or whom to vote for currently.
Others feel that no candidate in the democratic camp qualifies or portrays the type of compassion or support on most of the issues that impact these communities. And with the surge of new and young voters, (both Gay and Heterosexual) currently. The traditional Gay & Lesbian community does not have any influence on this new voting block. Nor isn't sure which way this new surge will go, in terms of the issues, or whom to vote for currently.
So this is the dilemma that faces the older Gay-Lesbian & Transgender communities, on the issues that matter to them currently.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Labels: Gay Issues
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