IMUS'S Radio Personality Snafu!

April 13-2007:
IMUS'S Radio Snafu:
Imus was unfortunate to be the one who took the heat for an endemic cultural reality in America. And that is ethnic and racist stereotyping and bashing.
The media was always used as the principal medium for some folks to give voice to their own personal prejudices. Be it political, religious, or ethnic.
The entertainment industry is a case in point. Most of the current Rappers seem to feel that they have 'carte-blanche' rights to belittle women, homosexuals, and fellow ghetto folks, because some of them have been able to acquire the physical things ascribed to 'success or accomplishments' in this society.
The frequent comparison they make about their ability to own things like jewelry, designer clothing, and other material things deemed necessary for any successful American, especially one whose background was from the inner city ghettoes, is the primary focus of their songs and videos too.
Even the Comic entertainers poke fun at certain elements especially women within our society in their shows. Sometimes without the slightest concern for blackmail, or social stigmatization. And this have been the trend for as long as I can recall!
Even the Comic entertainers poke fun at certain elements especially women within our society in their shows. Sometimes without the slightest concern for blackmail, or social stigmatization. And this have been the trend for as long as I can recall!
So this current snafu of Imus, is nothing new, but was used by some of those who saw a 'softer target' for expressing a certain political agenda, disguised as genuine concern for decent social morals and values.
Labels: IMUS In The Morning
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