If You Are GAY Or Homosexual-Do Not Enlist Into The US Military!

March 13-2007:
Time To Admit That You Like Men Or Women Sexually-Or Don't Ever Go Into The US Military!
It seems like many Gay or Homosexual men and women still don't get it, when it comes to Self-identification or Admitting that they are sexually attracted to the same gender.
Time To Admit That You Like Men Or Women Sexually-Or Don't Ever Go Into The US Military!
It seems like many Gay or Homosexual men and women still don't get it, when it comes to Self-identification or Admitting that they are sexually attracted to the same gender.
And they enlist in the military, only to wake up one morning and find some buddy or sister, scrutinizing them for watching them a certain way, or for seemingly getting a 'Boner' when in the shower, or in the Billet or Barrack room
So many Gay or Homosexual men and women find themselves trapped, and cannot get out the US military, because they fooled themselves about their true sexual orientation and desires. When fellow buddies are asked what they did during 'Liberty,' they cannot say anything believable. Some or most do not socialize with fellow comrades during off times or Liberty, because questions are asked (especially among the men), about one's conquests, drinking bouts,or fraternizing with fellow female inmates, or at the local Pub.
So many Gay or Homosexual men and women find themselves trapped, and cannot get out the US military, because they fooled themselves about their true sexual orientation and desires. When fellow buddies are asked what they did during 'Liberty,' they cannot say anything believable. Some or most do not socialize with fellow comrades during off times or Liberty, because questions are asked (especially among the men), about one's conquests, drinking bouts,or fraternizing with fellow female inmates, or at the local Pub.
So those who choose to lie about their sexcapades, discovers soon afterwards that enquiries were made by their buddies from the women they alleged to have had sex or romped with. Only to be told the negative. Then they are pressed to explain themselves convincingly, without stuttering.
*Most cannot do so.
* Most are not believable.
*And this leads to suspicion, rumor spreading, taunting, and excessive prying into their social behavior.
That is how they are found out mostly by fellow comrades. Some take pride in outing his or her suspicious barrack buddy, roommate, or platoon buddy.
Now why would anyone want to experience this kind of humiliation, embarrassment, and possibly dis-honorable discharge from the military if found to be Gay? Only FOOLS make those decisions! Or is it misguided patriotism that cause most Gay or closeted Homosexuals to enlist in the US military?
Whatever it is, I strongly advise that Homos and closeted Homos, should think very seriously before taking that step towards enlistment. Because once you are able to get in UNDETECTED, you and you guilt, and conscience, have to deal with that reality on a daily basis. And that trauma is never healthy for anyone, much less an enlisted man or women in a military that does not approve or desire their service!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Date: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:32 pm
If You Are Gay Or Homo-Do Not Enlist Into The US Military!
I retired from the USN in year 2000 after 23 years of service.And I was gay from day one, served on ships and military hospitals. It's all about being smart, and keeping your business to yourself. Although, there are liers and cheats who suspected me and others were gay, and believe it or not, they lied about you to authorities in an attempt to expose you. Ya just gotta stand your ground and your sexuality, and your business.
I retired from the USN in year 2000 after 23 years of service.And I was gay from day one, served on ships and military hospitals. It's all about being smart, and keeping your business to yourself. Although, there are liers and cheats who suspected me and others were gay, and believe it or not, they lied about you to authorities in an attempt to expose you. Ya just gotta stand your ground and your sexuality, and your business.
While stationed on the USS AMERICA (CV-66) in 1983, the NIS (Naval Investigative Service) question crew members about suspected gays, and several times throughout my 3 year ship tour we were waken up without warning at ungodly hours (3AM), handcuffed, walked from your sleeping quarters through the passageway to the rear of the ship, embarrassed while being pushed pass other crew members.
The NIS would question us for hours, kinda like a Dick Tracy scene in the dark with a bright light in your face exactly like that. Unfortunately, many broke down and admitted their homosexuality. Me having been the strong one at 23 yrs old, many cried on my shoulders, one committed suicide and died.
Such NIS interrogation techniques are now illegal, and were actually illegal then. Therefore, joining the military can be an okay thing if you desire. I would have retired after 30 years vice 23 years, but I acquired diabetes and retired early, and at an E-9 rank. The military will screw you if you let them, and I am sensitive to this type of subject matter. At the end of every month Uncle Sam sends me that good 'ole retirement check (18K/yr), and I thank him from the bottom of my bank account. And for all of those
haters of Gays for no good reason, Fuck you, I did my time, and you couldn't do it if you tried.
haters of Gays for no good reason, Fuck you, I did my time, and you couldn't do it if you tried.
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