Religious Views On SEX & SEXUALITY!

April 05-2007:
Religious Views On SEX & SEXUALITY:
Most religious organizations subscribe to the view that SEX between two people of the opposite gender, is approved by their GOD or ALLAH. As long as the two individuals are married, socially accepted as man and wife, and sanctioned by the Church, Synagogue, Masjids, or Temple.
* But who is qualified or authorized to determine one's sexual preferences, sexual desires, sexual stimulants, and needs?
* And who has the authority to determine what is best for an individual, or two individuals in marriage sexually, in terms of what is the CORRECT or PROPER manner of sexual intercourse?
* And who can adequately determine what is best form, posture, position, or mode of sexual intercourse?
* And who has the right or authority to tell another that he or she MUST not indulge in sexual activities with the same gender?
As far as I can recall, most religious authorities will say GOD or ALLAH to most of the above. But God or Allah never told me how to have sex, or what kind of sex I should indulge in, or what position sexually is favorable in his/her sight!
And as far as I have read, Jesus never made such statements either!
And as far as I have read, Jesus never made such statements either!
So why should the Church, Mosque, Masjids, Synagogue, Preachers, Immams, Pastors, Priests, or Nuns, tell me that what I do sexually is wrong or right in God's sight?
Therefore, I decided long ago to go along with my feelings, desires, and needs sexually.
And DAM anyone who think otherwise!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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