Could Circumcism Protect One From Sexual Disease?

July 20-2009:
Could Circumcism Protect One From Sexual Disease?
This debate does not explain fully how disease is sexually transmitted. And how the suggestion that Circumcism will be of any help.
However, here is my TAKE on this issue.
* Male Genital Circumcism does NOT prevent HIV or any other sexual disease transmission.
* Herpes, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and other sexually transmitted diseases can also be contracted regardless or whether the male is circumcised or not.
And finally, HIV is not the only disease that is LETHAL. Syphilis is also lethal if it goes undetected and untreated for a lengthy period of time.
So those who advocate for the Circumcism of all males are ignorant of the TRUE reality, and how diseases are transmitted sexually.
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