Someone Desirable To Behold!

January 18-2010:
Someone Desirable To Behold!
This morning as I was walking down the street in my neighborhood, after having breakfast at the local Dunkin Donut shop. I saw what to me was young man, possibly between the ages of 18 to 25, walking slowly on the street. He was to me good looking, slim, of mixed or Latin in complexion or ethnicity. And quite aware that he was being admired by other men, for his good looks too.
But he gave mixed signals with his body language. You know the kind of attitude some men show when they are good looking.
His walk was deliberately slow, and casual. But his attitude was pretentious, as though he was telling his onlookers, you can look as much as you like, but I am not available. But his gait, pace, and overall body language says, "I may be interested in meeting someone, maybe for a price too."
This kind of conflicting body language that most men and women allow themselves to portray, (deliberately or not), does not help them attract the kind of men or women they would prefer to meet. But most don't know it (it seems).
Because like attracts like. And if you show a negative attitude in your body language, or one that seems to say, I am not available, when it is quite the opposite with you. Then people are confused, and like me, will not bother to approach or get your eye contact, for fear that you would pretend not to be interested.
Or become verbally, obnoxiously aggressive, and hostile, if I do approach you.
This has happened to lots of men (mostly), that it makes us very fearful (not shy, but fearful) to approach someone we find physically appealing most times. And this individual was one of those that I couldn't approach, because of his body language and attitude!
However, I do not have a solution to offer my readers, but I will say this.
Follow your impression or instinct. The first gut feeling you get about someone you find appealing, and want to approach, is the one to follow.
If it says 'not this one Homie.' I strongly suggest you listen to it. Because if you do not, you may be disappointed!
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