Educating Gay Youth About Gay Life!
January 29-2010:
Educating Gay Youth About Gay Life!
This group/show was recommended for Gay Youth's viewing. However, these are Older Heterosexual women with heterosexual women's issues. And I don't see how beneficial it is, or would be for Gay or Homo youth period.
To my mind, the cast of actors were not serious enough to come across as Educators for Gay youth. I feel that if you are going to explain Gay life and Life Style, some seriousness and maturity is absolutely necessary, in order to be believed, or listened to.
Most Gay youths experiment with alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes. This is also the case with Heterosexual youths too. However, most youths are unable to fully comprehend their drinking ability, or consumption levels very early in the experience.
Some or most of us have to experience vomiting, drunkenness, or embarrassment from being drunk, for us to take note.
And this varies from individual to individual. However, it is always wise that when you go out to Party, have someone within the group that does not drink. Or elect to be responsible or ensure, that everyone gets home safely.
Socially contracted diseases are everywhere. It has been there for centuries, and will be with humans until this planet is destroyed or burns out. However, it is in everyone's health interest to educate yourselves about HIV, and other Socially Transmitted diseases.
Using a condom for Anal Sex is Absolutely necessary at all times. Regardless of the relationship with the other person. You are totally responsible for your own life.
It also seems to be the trend to indulge in Bareback Sexual Intercourse these days. I know of many who do so, and have their reasons and explanations.
I say, To Each His Own. But I prefer to play safe!
Finally, it was a very good attempt to relate or communicate with Gay Youth in their own language, and as informal as you tried to make it.
Keep advocating for all in the life!
New York City.
Labels: Gay Youth Education
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