Who Is Qualified To Speak For The Black American Homosexual Community?
May 21-2011.
Who Is Qualified To Speak For The Black American Homosexual Community?
Firstly, Homosexuality in the Black American communities are as varied in concept, as it is in complexion. And it is certainly not homogenous either.
Secondly, I don't know if there is any desire within the Black Homosexual Communities to want someone, or some Role Model for us to aspire to or emulate.
Thirdly, Homosexuals in the Black Homosexual Communities desire different things, different Role Models, and different Support systems.
For example, most of those Homos who are religions freaks, or consider themselves church going Christians, are not inclined to identify with the rest of the Homosexual community. Especially those who are Openly Homosexual.
And would not appreciate the idea or openness to their sexual identity or preferences. They would much prefer it to be left hidden, or operate on the Down Low. Their Christian upbringing or beliefs hinder their ability to accept themselves as Homosexuals, God's children that were created so, and loved for whom they are.
So this guilt will always stalk them whenever such issues like homosexual identity, behavior, and acceptance, comes up.
Finally, Don Lemon's desire or preference for a White or Caucasian lover is his own desire and his own choice. Why should anyone feel offended by his choice of a Lover or Fuck buddy?
No human in his or her right mind can pre-determine who or what ethnic gender he or she will be sexually attracted to. Love and Sexual attraction comes with some very subtle triggers. And it hits you like a thunderbolt, so suddenly that you ask yourself after it happens this question.
Who would have believed that I would be attracted to so and so, or find so and so sexually or physically attractive?
That is life, and the human organism can never be fully comprehended, much less placed in a single category sexually, or otherwise.
Labels: Black Homosexuality
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