Monday, February 01, 2010

I Support The Repeal Of The Don't Ask-Don't Tell Policy Within The US Military!

February 02-2010:

Gays In The US Military's Acceptance Is Long Overdue!

President Obama has stated that he is prepared to repeal this institutional dilemma. Just as soon as the Congress convenes an enquiry into the actual possibility of this repeal becoming a reality. And it could not have been too soon to act upon this long overdue and ridiculous rule, that was imposed upon Americans, willing, ready, and qualified to serve their country.

Historical References:

As a former member of a par-military organization, I can attest to the reality of those who are Homosexual, Bisexual, or Confused, in these institutions. And how they are perceived, dealt with, and get along with others therein.

When men in large numbers are placed in confined spaces like Barracks, Camps, or Regiments, they eventually get very acquainted with each other. To a point where individuals elect to seek out buddies for friendships, partners, or simply with those whom they feel akin with. That is a natural thing with men in most situations. And Barrack rooms are no different.

It is also quite possible that any individual with a certain sexual preference will be detected or observed by some around him or her. But more often than not, no one says anything, (at least in his/her face), about that observation or discovery.

Buddies also poke fun of each other's idiosyncrasies or oddities from time to time. This is quite normal in such situations. We all bug each other sometimes in joviality, or at the recreational facility, or drill square. This is all taken in good faith by most.

But what we hold dear, is that we are all buddies, and what anyone does in his/her private life, is his/her own business. Even when we bug him/her about it.

Institutional Prejudices:

The US military historically, have been recruiting (in the main) individuals from the Appalachian regions, the Outback, and the so-called Bible belt. These places tend to have lots of people who consider themselves Evangelicals. And this group of people have strong views about Homosexuality and God's will, or what they perceive as wrong in the eyes of Their God.

These individuals tend to make the military a career. In fact they tend to stay there for a long time, and become a vital part of the institution's mindset. Because they invariably get promoted to the higher ranks. The White supremacists are also part of this institution. And they too come for the above regions (more or less).

These individuals have very strong and self-opinionated views about what is God's Will, or Right & Wrong. And they do not hesitate to let it be known whenever possible.

Breaking The Barrier:

So removing the mindset/barriers in this institution may be a bit dicey, but it can be done. Especially now that the national commonweal seem to accept the fact that Gays (open or closeted), pose no risk to anyone. Least of all the military. Because they were always there, in War & Peace, Fighting and Dying on every battlefield that the US forces have been involved in.

And are always ready to serve their country if or when called upon to do so. Regardless of how they are perceived therein.


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