White Sexual Abductors & Those Who Bugger's Boys!

February 01-2010:
White Sexual Abductors & Those Who Bugger's Boys!
It is common knowledge that White or Caucasian men go to Eastern Europe, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and other places, where there are lots of homeless children or street children to seek sexual favors, and to make sexual slaves of. They are everywhere, and are extremely aggressive in their pursuits of children of both genders, and from anywhere they can access them.
They are Devils who wear robes of various persuasions. Some are with Churches, others with Cults, others act Solo, and others are Organized Crime organizations that operate globally.
This country has undergone a terrible natural disaster, and the kind of scenario that predators like those cited above operate in. This gives them ample opportunity to disguise their true intent, and exploit the situation. While everyone around them is too busy to notice anything suspicious.
They come into situations like this one as Church workers, Outreach movements, and use emotional pronouncements to portray their clandestine intentions. Fooling those who lack the experience, is ignorant about these matters, and gullible for the so-called help they seem to bring to the situation
I will be monitoring how they will be treated by the US Justice System, when their Day In Court arrives. If they are allowed to walk away free of any punishment, if found guilty. Then the ENTIRE world MUST voice resentment vehemently.
Labels: Child Abductions
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