Thursday, June 23, 2005

Infidelity In African & Moslem Men:

Infidelity In African & Moslem Men:

The Christian Bible was written by The European centuries after Jesus & The Prophet Mohammed walked he earth, and preached their concept of God or Allah, and what he wants from us all.

However, the prophet Mohammed's edict gave his male followers permission to have as many wives as he chooses, so long as each wife is given a tent to live in, and is treated equally as the rest of his wives.

That is still globally practiced and accepted in Islamic countries today.
But the Christian hemisphere does not agree with that position. They claim that it is promoting polygamy. And abhors that practice.

Now tell me which religion is practicing God's wishes for mankind?

Was the Prophet Mohammed just accommodating the thousands of widowed women, who lost their husbands during the Islamic crusade? And therefore had no husband to support them, or take care of the families left homeless, and without husbands!

Is there enough men on this planet, to equal the amount of women in marriage, if that was possible?

I think not, for the simple reasons that women live much longer generally than men do. Men work much harder to provide for their families than women do.

And men are expected generally to provide for their offspring, or wives, regardless of whether or not he is gainfully employed.

Om Shanti.

Do You Fantasize About Sex During The Day?

Do you fantasize about sex during the day?

As a matter of fact, I do so most of my waking hours. Night & Day.
I think that sex is a necessary ingredient for overall mental and physical well being. Humans are biologically madeup of certain stimuli, and the sex stimuli is the greatest one. Unlike the lower animals, humans do not have a 'mating season.'

And sometimes I wonder why so many ignorant Preachers and religious personages complain, when humans indulge in this natural phenomenon. I guess they (the religious domain), still do not fully comprehend the significance of this vital link of human identity, unity, socialization, and inner peace.

But indulged in for pleasure alone can be devastating to one's social, family life, and circumstances. So balance must be maintained if possible. In order to fully explore and appreciate this precious gift. Sex has played a part in determining the fate of nations. eg Egypt & Rome.

The Queen of Sheba cajoled the Roman general Marcus Aurelius Anthony, into a romantic affair with her, leading to a marriage, that saved that nation from domination/annexation to Rome!.

Om Shanti.

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