Friday, December 29, 2006

Are Women Truly Equal Under Islam?

December 29-2006:

Some Pilgrims Are More Equal Than Others-After The Haj!

Equality Under Allah-Is Islam's Core Belief?
This may be so in principle, and may be displayed at Mecca, during the annual Haj pilgrimage to the place where the prophet Mohammed gave his last public message.
* But in some Islamic ruled countries, women cannot be seen in public without the Borka or Veil that covers the face and possible the entire anatomy.
* Women are not allowed to speak, participate, or indulge in anything political.
* Women are not allowed to hold public or political office.
* Women are not allowed to sit 'beside men' in most Islamic Mosques or Masjids.
* Women are still being killed in some Islamic countries if she is accused of adultery, or having sex outside or before officially sanctioned marriages.
* In Southern Nigeria-a state that practices Sharia Law, women can be stoned to death for adultery.
These are just some of the in-equalities that is internationally known, and contradicts the view that women are equal under Allah?

What Hypocrisy!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

African Men Must Circumcise Or Else!

December 13-2006:

AFRICAN Men-Must Circumcise Or Else!

With the spread of HIV and malaria, on the continent of Africa. And the difficulty to control or curb the spread of both maladies. African men are now being told to circumcise or else!

With Uganda in the forefront, with their policy of "Condom usage, Being Faithful to one partner, & No Grazing outside of marriage, which seem to have made a difference in arresting the spread of HIV in that state. Now, this new trial on African men, reported by The BBC today, seem to suggest that HIV is more easily transmitted via un-circumcised men. The authorities who made this declaration claims that they are 50% certain that with circumcism of all African men, the spread of HIV will be curtailed.

Isn't this the most brazen declaration that was ever made on any pandemic, much less HIV?
HIV has been spreading among American males, who are by and large predominantly circumcised. This is found mostly among Caucasian and Black American males. Yet the spread of HIV is still rampant among Blacks and Latinos currently in America. Ever since the discovery of HIV among men firstly.
This virus had not discriminated between those who are circumcised or not. So why does any rational thinking person would assume that it would for African men?

And what about the following diseases?
* Chlamydia:
* Herpes:
* Gonorrhea:
* Syphilis:
This to my mind is yet another ploy to coerce those African states or governments, who need HIV medication and technical help from the west, to help curb this deadly virus among them. And they are being dictated to once more, as to how, where, and who, must comply with these dictates, in order to qualify for assistance.


Regardless of where circumcism has been practised. I still maintain that such procedures must never be done in childhood or at childbirth. This is another form of 'mutilation.' And in infancy, that child has no say on the matter.
If adults (for reasons best known to themselves), feel they have to be circumcised, then that will be their choice, as ADULTS.
But do not use relgion, some scientific findings, or any other method, to COERCE people into complying with a procedure of self-mutilation, becsuse some persons in the scientific or political communities think, that is the way to prevent some form or infection.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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