Friday, February 23, 2007

HPV-The Human Papaloma Virus Snafu & The Ambitious Woman!

February 23-2007:

GARDACYL For- HPV Or Human Papaloma Virus In Women.

Many conservatives women and men today in The USA refuse to allow their teen age girls to have that vaccine to guard them against 'cervical cancer.' They advocate for sexual abstinence before marriage. This same argument was used when HIV/AIDS was discovered, and the pandemic was growing.
Imagine telling teens or young adults today not to have sex!
I still cannot see the rationale used to decide not to encourage women to have this vaccine. Wouldn't it be wise to take pre-emptive action against this virus, than wait until it is discovered, then try to curb the spread.
I understand that 10,000 women have been vaccinated already, and the signs show good results!
Some of those same conservatives feel that telling young women to get this vaccine, is allowing them to have sex early!
What utter Bull Crap!
Ambitious women:

In response to your solicitation for comments on the above remarks about Sen. Hillary Clinton's quest for the presidency.
I am not sure what was meant by that remark 'ambitious woman.' But I do believe that one has to be ambitious to achieve anything in this life. And the presidency of The USA, is not off limits to woman.
Maybe there is an element of male chauvinism here, with the remarks from Mr. David Geffen, about Mrs. Clinton's ability to take the presidency! However, her chance as a woman is less certain, than most of her male contenders.
Which begs the question. 'Is America ready for a female President right now? Come the 2008 Democratic Congress nomination, we will see who will be the chosen or favoured candidate for president.
New York City.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Is It GAY Marriages Or Civil Unions?

February 21-2007:

Is It GAY Marriages Or Civil Unions?

I have heard arguments from all areas, (for and against) marriage between two men. Whether or not the word 'marriage' should be used, bothers me greatly.
The heterosexuals feel that word is SACRED to them, from a historical stand point. This is based on their religious beliefs primarily. So any violation of this understanding by any same gender loving, or same gender unions, must take this reality into consideration. If they are going to make any headway towards legislative action, or legal acceptance.

I would prefer that Gay men or Homosexuals who require this civil right, to use the words 'Civil Unions.' This to my mind will help pave the way for an explanation as to the pros and cons of this preferred union, to be made legally binding!

Black Homosexuals/Gay Men's Position:

Most DL Black, Latino, Gay, and Homosexual men seem not too keen on publicly advocating for any legalization of their bedroom business, as some usually frame it.

Firstly, Black American and Latino men do not (in great numbers) identify as Gay or Homosexual. If you ask most of these men how they categorize themselves socially, sexually, or as a community. Most will say openly 'Heterosexual,' and some quietly 'bisexual And advocating for legal Civil or Marriage legislation is never going to happen in large numbers within these two communities ever!

Black & Latino men are quite comfortable with having several women for show, having children with some of them, to show society that they are men or macho.

But actually living with another man, under the same roof as a couple, is unheard of for most of these men. And will never be contemplated! Most are quite comfortable living with their parents, relatives, or not being committed to any one man or woman. This is a cultural reality here in the USA.
Until we come to terms with this reality, Gay White men, will always be the ones that will spearhead any advocacy, for making Gay unions legal in America.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

The proposal for Gay Marriages may never be totally accepted by mainstream American heterosexuals.
Why not use Gay UNIONS instead.
That term may be more likely to be accepted. It does not fly in the faces of the traditional concept of heterosexual arrangements/marriages.
I think that is the way to go with this issue.

Friday, February 16, 2007

All Gays-Homosexuals-Lesbians-Transgender Persons & Bisexuals Beware:


I've said it before, and I will say it again. All Gays and self-respecting Homosexuals MUST denounce the brutalities done to Gay or Homosexual men in Jamaica consistently.

Coupled with this action, we must boycott their music, their foods, and travel to that island.

Until Gay and Homosexual men band together in unity against barbarism and inhumane acts against a minority people, who by virtue of their sexual identity and sexual preferences, are scorned, beaten, raped, and killed in Jamaica.

These primitive and sadistic acts will continue on that island.
Until the Jamaican government observe international human rights for all of their commonweal, and make it part of their National Constitution, that island must be "OFF LIMITS" for all Gays, Homosexuals, Lesbians, Transgender persons, and Bisexuals.

Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
PS: See article copied below:

"Cops save three alleged homosexuals from angry crowd."

KARYL WALKER, Jamaican Observer staff reporter

Thursday, February 15, 2007

These three men, who were branded as homosexuals, are rescued by the police after being locked inside the Monarch Pharmacy in St Andrew for about an hour yesterday. The man at front ducks after being hit on the head by a stone thrown by a member of the angry mob which had gathered outside the pharmacy and demanded that the three be handed over to them. (Photo: Garfield Robinson)

THREE men branded as homosexuals were yesterday rescued by the police from an angry mob outside a pharmacy in Tropical Plaza, where they had been holed up for almost an hour. But even after the police managed to take the young men from the Monarch Pharmacy, one of the three was hit with a stone, forcing officers to fire tear gas on the crowd which included men, women, teenagers and small children.

The approximately 2,000 people gathered outside the Kingston pharmacy hurled insults at the three men, with some calling for them to be killed.
The crowd grew larger as the minutes ticked by and the three men and staff inside the pharmacy were visibly terrified as the mob demanded that they be sent out so they could administer their brand of justice. "Send them out!" shouted one man.

The men, who all had bleached-out faces, and dressed in tight jeans pants and skimpy shirts, were saved due to quick action by police from the St Andrew Central Division.

When the officers arrived and attempted to push the crowd back from the front door of the businessplace they were greeted with some resistance and when they attempted to escort the men to a police service vehicle, which was parked near to the entrance of the pharmacy, one of the alleged homosexuals was hit on the back of the head with a stone as he flashed a wry smile before attempting to hustle inside the police car.

The cops were forced to disperse the large mob by dispensing tear gas canisters and whisking the men away as the crowd scampered in all directions in an effort to escape the irritating fumes. One man in the crowd was determined to get a chance to beat them and hurled insults at the police when they drove out of the premises.
"Unu can come save them nasty boy yah? Them boy yah fi go down," the man bellowed.

One woman expressed surprise at the brazenness of the men who were clearly displaying effeminate behaviour. "Jamaica has lost its way if men think they can openly flaunt being gay without any consequences. We don't want that kind of open gay life in this country," the woman said. Homosexuality is frowned upon in Jamaica and gay rights groups have constantly branded the island as anti-gay.

Under Jamaican law a male can be slapped with a sentence of up to nine years if caught in a compromising position with another man.
http://www.jamaicao news/html/ 20070214T220000- 0500_119155_ OBS_COPS_ SAVE_THREE_ ALLEGED_HOMOSEXU ALS_FROM_ ANGRY_CROWD. asp
SBIK wrote:
http://groups. group/Brothas4br othas_Only/
No Profile = No Membership 21 & Ova

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The New Breed Of Gay Men Today!

The New Breed Of Gay Men!

It is very difficult for Older Gay men to accept this new breed of Down Low, not too obvious, and less Swishy Gay men is very real indeed. I have found over the years that most openly Gay men feel that their buddies or fellow Gay men MUST become obvious to all and sundry, to be truly one of them. Let me explain a bit further, some openly Gay men believe that all Gay men are BOTTOMS, and that all Gay men must identify with any type of Gay man, regardless of behavior, attitudes, sexual appeal, or lack of character and good taste.

So when this DL phenomena became public, and people started asking questions about it, and looking at those men who traditionally had associated with, hung-out with, looked like, was fashionable, and always dressed neatly, with the latest Threads, even though he never had a regular job. The red lights started flashing, and people started saying quietly to each other, remember Johnny from so and so place, who is always with them Gay boys. And remember David who visits Beryl's house, and is always at her Gay parties, even though he always say that he is not Gay. So what is the big deal now?
The Big Deal came about when HIV became an obvious problem and concern with Heterosexual Black women. Many of whom got the virus from their husbands, male friends, boy friends, and lovers, who claimed to be faithful, not into male sexual activities. But rumor says that many of these same men are sleeping with men. So this became a major concern with heterosexual women. So when this other DL brother sat on Opra Winfry talk show, and spill the beans to her about the DL life and life style.
All Hell Broke Loose!

Death threats were sent him, major DL brothers became paranoid about the repercussions of that public revelation. And the DL earthquake began to roar. However, in time, the women became more pro-active in their actions. They started attending HIV prevention workshops, speaking out against DL men who are married and sleeping with men too. And that was the beginning of the DL fiasco, and subsequent openness. But not all DL men are prepared to come clean openly. Not all DL men feel that they should. And most DL men will tell you privately, that to be quiet about their business, is what DL is all about.
Anytime a DL man or woman come into the open with their bedroom business, they are not REAL or true to the DL concept of that life style. And they would be considered traitors, and flammers!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Ryan White Care Act New Name & Sweden's New Prostitution Law!

February 08-2007:

HIV Treatment & Modernization Act-2006!

Formerly called: Ryan White CARE Act:
PresidentGeorge W. Bush signed the law in December-2006. And it is authorized for three years. There are two tiers of eligibility for Title-1 EMA's, resulting in 5 new EMA's. The distribution between formula and supplemental changes from 50% to 66%, and formula funding uses un-duplicated living HIV & AIDS cases confirmed by the CDC.
The overall impact will be more HIV & AIDS cases confirmed by the CDC. The unchanged EMA's cannot receive less than 95% of the formula of the base year (FY-2006), but the total pool of supplemental funds is reduced. Also, MAI funding changes from a formula to a competitive grant, which means that our EMA's will need to compete for the funds, which may lead to flauctuation in funding from year to year.
75% of the Title-1 grant must be spent on CORE Medical Services, and EMA's may apply for a waiver if:
1.There are no waiting lists for ADAP:
2. Core medical services are available to all PWLH.
EMA's must apply for a waiver to use carry over funds, and must spend all carry over funds within one year. If an EMA has more than 2% of it's grant award unspent, the EMA will be in-eligible for a supplemental grant. This means that the NY-EMA must continue to spend Title-1 funds expeditiously.

It is my view, based on the above information given, that any under-spent monies received for HIV prevention & education work, will inhibit that CBO or HIV/AIDS service agency from getting any further funding. If the allocated monies given to an agency or CBO, is not fully spent for that given time period that it was identified for, then the excess will be carried over to the next cycle of funding. Which will impare any increase anticipated by that agency for the following year.
So it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, for all funds received to be spent in the pre-identified areas as per (RFP). Failing to use all or most of the funds received, may adversely affect the next funding period, for that CBO or Agency!

Prostitution In Sweden & The Band-Aid Treatment!

In Sweden, there is now a law that criminalizes men who pay for sex. Sex workers can be arrested on the streets for solicitation for 'sex for pay.' The men who are caught soliciting women openly for sex, can be arrested and charged, and possibly imprisoned, if found guilty under this new law.
However, I feel that this law will not by any stretch of the imagination, STOP prostitution in Sweden. It may prevent the OPEN solicitation of both sexes for sex for pay. But prostitution will continue underground, via the Internet, special in house or Call Girl arrangements, and other covert ways to continue this historic trade.
I guess the Swedish government wants to show that it is doing something positive, to curb this growing trade on their streets.
What a sham!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Gay Relations Are In Serious Trouble!

February 05-2007:

Gay Relations Are In Serious Trouble!

The way you respond or relate to other Gay or Homosexual men and women, regardless of whether you like them physically or not. Say a lot about who, what, and the type of character you truly are.
Let me clarify this further:
Humans are expected to relate to each other civilly, in any civilized society or culture. And this goes for Gay, Homosexual, Lesbian, or Heterosexual people. As humans in a civilized society or setting, there are certain mores or behaviors that one is expected to observe, like courtesy, good manners, privacy, respect for a person's space, personal privacy, and property. When individuals fail to observe or respect these values, they come across to other people as SAVAGES, BARBARIANS, and CRUDISH.

I have found in so many circumstances that I had reason to operate in, or be a part of, e.g. Groups, Parties, or other social settings. Where Gay men cannot behave socially, cannot respond to a social overture, or solicitation without some form of Savage Rebuff, Foul Language, or basically Rudeness. Because in most cases the other person does not fit their view of what is desired physically.
He may not have the preconcieved Age, Beauty, Muscular Features, Abs, Ethnicity, Skin Color, Car, Clothes, Employment, or Education. So he or she is treated rudely, snubbed, dismissed, or simply cussed out, for showing some desire for this Self-centered Egotistical, and Vane individual's perception of himself or herself!

Detriments To Establishing Healthy Relationships:

All of the above flaws are contributing factors that prevent stable, good, healthy, or positive relationship building, or relationship possibilities. Some Gay men and women feel that because they are young in age, they have the right to dismiss those Gay men who are older, physically unfit, HIV positive, Obese, not the preferred Ethnic gender, or Cultural background. Some Gay men actually say they are in search of that 'Perfect male,' for friendship or love!
Well, I have news for those who feel that way. The PERFECT MALE or FEMALE, does not exist. And if you find one that you think is perfect for you, he may not find you desirable or perfect for him. Just keep that in mind when you seek perfection!

Responding To Personal Solicitations:

If someone tries to make friends with you, online, at a party, at the Mall, at the theatre, or any social setting. And he/she may not be physically appealing to you, just let him or her know that he or she does not physically appeal to you. This can be done in a civil manner, without being insulting. Not everyone who hits of you, will be appealing to you. But that does not give you the right to be insulting, rude, or dismissive. I have told many Gay men (from all age groups), that they do not physically appeal to me sexually. But if they feel that making friends would be a desired alternative, then that would not be a problem.
Now, that may not be a desire of yours, but at least, they deserve some explanation or response to their solicitation. Some Gay men are very CRUDE, Obnoxious, and downright Perverse when they hit on you. But even in that situation, you should show intelligence when responding, and NEVER forget civility! After all, you would feel terribly offended if someone told you after trying to make friends, that he is not looking for A NIGGA, A BLACK, A WHITE BOY, A FAT HOMO, A FEMME HOMO, Or a SISSY HOMO either!

Good Luck-And Good Hunting Brothers!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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