Should Same Gender Unions Be Made Legal?

August 21-2006:
Should Same Gender Marriages Be Made Legal?
Pros & Cons:
Historically, in the western societies, marriage between a man and a woman was the preferred type of union. This was and still is sanctioned by religion, religious faiths, and the states that condoned Christianity, Islam, & Judaism, as their national religious and moral resources.
The Constitution Of The United States also refers to this union, as the foundation for the stability of the society. Which is also in keeping with the Founding Father's religious allegiance to Christianity.
Should We Adhere To The Constitution's Preference?
When the constitution of The USA was coined, America was a totally different place socially, economically, and religiously. Black Americans were not Americans, but were slaves or property of the founding fathers, and those who were plantation owners, and slavers.
Blacks were not allowed to marry period, marry Whites, read or write in their language, or learn the language of the White overlords either. The Voting Rights Act for Black Americans did not become a reality until the 1960's after ardent civil agitation, political actions, and physical struggles by Black and White Americans.
So Why Can't The Constitution Be Amended?
Changing the constitution of America, or making amendments to the constitution to accommodate this new or non-traditional concept of marriage may be the only solution. Or allowing the individual states to enact legislation to accommodate equal rights or marriage, between two people of the same gender, may be the more realistic solution to this advocacy.
What is marriage Really?
Marriage is perceived, according to the traditionalists as a legally binding union between two people. A male and a female, and sanctioned by the legal authorities of that state or culture. Under Islam though, two people (male and female), could be married by an Imam (or religious leader), in public, after both parties declare in his presence, and before witnesses that they will abide by the traditional expectations ascribed to married couples.
If they choose to have this union RECOGNIZED or made legal, according to the laws of that land, they are free to do so.
Same gender marriage proposals:
The concern for same gender marriage that is proposed in these United States Of America, and other parts of the western hemisphere, are advocating for the following rights:
* To be able to enjoy all the benefits that a heterosexual couple enjoy legally:
* To be able to have the right to make any decision on a medical issue of a partner, if or when that time comes, legally:
* To be able to have or adopt children legally, without the social scorn that is now associated with same gender relations, and adoptions:
* To be able to leave or bequeath one's personal assets, property, or inheritance to a partner, after death:
* And to be recognized as a legally married couple by society at large, as justified, bona fide, and equal in status with heterosexual marriages:
This is all we are asking the commonweal to understand and allow legally to happen!
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.