BareBacking Or No Condom Use:

November 01-2006:
BareBaking or No Condom Use Sexual Activities:
As I have reiterated before!
The decision to use or not to use condoms during sexual intercourse, is left to each individual to decide.
It is not up to anyone (regardless of your moral, scientific, religious, or other knowledge), to determine what anyone should or should not do sexually!
So debating the moral right or responsibility of two or more individuals, who chose to have sexual intercourse without condoms, is NEVER going to prevent, or DISUADE anyone from so doing!
BareBaking or No Condom Use Sexual Activities:
As I have reiterated before!
The decision to use or not to use condoms during sexual intercourse, is left to each individual to decide.
It is not up to anyone (regardless of your moral, scientific, religious, or other knowledge), to determine what anyone should or should not do sexually!
So debating the moral right or responsibility of two or more individuals, who chose to have sexual intercourse without condoms, is NEVER going to prevent, or DISUADE anyone from so doing!