Having HIV-Love & Life Problems!
Firstly, there was a slogan that says. "HIV Stops With Me.' This was another one of those ridiculous slogans that some HIV/AIDS organization came up with, in order to provide services for Communities Of Color!
But what bothers me is not the intent to target those who are most at risk for infection, but the pre-sumption that this slogan has for those who are HIV positive. It infers that HIV positive people have a responsibility to not spread the HIV virus, and by so doing this HIV virus will somehow disappear or become less of a social pandemic.
This idea is laughable for simply for the following reasons:
* HIV infection occurs when two or more persons indulge in some form of sexual intercourse, foreplay, or body contact, where BODY FLUIDS are exchanged between the parties.
* It is not my or anyone's responsibility ONLY, to protect himself or herself from HIV infection, or any other STD or STI's.
* And to tell the HIV infected that it is their responsibility to ensure the virus does not spread, implies that they are still seen as the ones' who are socially suspect for willfully infecting others with HIV.
* Even though some HIV infected persons, knowingly or un-knowingly infect others with the virus.
It is every individuals' responsibility (if he or she is sexually active), to use preventative methods for HIV or other STD infections.
HIV-Sex & Love:
HIV-Sex & Love:
This will always be an issue with those who are HIV positive to grapple with, in terms of partnerships, love, or long term relationships. It is still very difficult for HIV positive individuals to declare to a stranger up front or before any physical sexual contact, that he or she has the HIV virus. Even though HERPES, Hepatitis A-B-C- & D are also possible in any sexual encounter. But most people do not think about those other STIs' or STDs' when they are about to have sexual contact with another person.
Childbirth Problems:
Childbirth Problems:
We now have prophylactic medications to give potential mothers who want children, but are HIV positive. And this preventative measure (if followed diligently, and with a physician's guidance), could prevent the un-born child from contracting HIV.
So potential parents or mothers and fathers, should not feel that they are 'Spoiled Goods.' just because they have HIV.
Love, Sex, and Relationships are still being contracted, and sought after, regardless of the HIV pandemic. After all, population growth, and future leaders are expected to come from parents who are HIV positive too. And the virus will not prevent this from happening in cultures that have access to the medications, and are affordable enough for the infected to access, and live their lives as they would hope to do without HIV.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Labels: HIV-LOVE And SEX