The Wolf Cubs!
Our Motto:
I Promise To Do My Best
For God & My Country
And To Help Somebody Everyday!
The Wolf Cub Chant:
We'll Do Our Best.
We'll Dub-Dub-Dub-Dub.
Which basically mean: We Will Do Our Best At All Times!.
I Remember:
Yes, I was once a Wolf Cub in Pack #16. Which was headed by Ms. De Lima our Scout Mistress in those formative years of mine. We were a pack or group of youngsters/teens, in the compound of The St. Philips Church, an (Anglican Diocese Church). Every Wednesday of every week, around 5.00pm. There we assembled as a team of Boy Scouts, supervised by our Scout Master or Masters, who were Older Scouts in the Scout Movement. They were our Role Models, and we all aspired to be like them eventually, when attaining the age of 16 years. Those years were memorable ones, and I often winder if the Scout or Cub movement is still active in Guyana, my homeland.
I recall a Scout Jamboree event when I was a Cub, I cannot remember what year it was. But I can recall singing the Jamboree Song for that 50 year commemoration at the Dorcas Club Hall, where thousands of scouts assembled and celebrated our fifty years of scouting in the British Empire. Incidentally, the British Boys Scout Movement was founded by Lord Baden Powell. I cannot recall what year it was, but as a child growing up in British Guiana (at that time), it was expected that all Christian orientated young boys aught to become or have the opportunity to serve within the Scout Movement. preferably from the level of Boy Scout or Cub, and graduate to the Boy Scouts.
When I was inducted in The Boy Scouts group at that time, we learned how to be good Christians, how to camp out in the open, how to make a fire and cook in the open spaces or forested areas, how to assemble or set-up a tent, how to tie knots, how to cook and swim, and how to march in step as a group, and perform certain ceremonial parades in public as representatives of The Scout Movement.
I never learned how to swim, even after several efforts were made by my buddies to teach me. But I was too scared to learn, and my Scout master and Mistress, never pushed or forced me to do it either!
As far as I can recall, we never discussed sexuality, sexual preferences, religious preferences, or politics. Those things were considered the domain for adults only. As Boy Scouts or Cubs, as we were categorized, we were expected to show respect at all times for our elders, leaders, and instructors. Ask questions when we did not understand anything, and participate in all activities when asked to do so, Regardless of whether our parents were able to afford any monetary contributions that may be asked of them.
We were expected to pay for our individual uniforms, which consisted of a Cub Cap, two short trousers, two short sleeved shirts to go with them, a leather belt with the scout's symbol, a pair of black shoes, with black or dark brown socks as prescribed. A neck Tie or scaft (also prescribed), a whistle, (prescribed), and a languard, or cord that goes under your right arm and up your shoulder lapel.
My Departure:
I left or graduated the Wolf Cub troupe at 15 years, and was unable to join the Boy Scouts movement, because I had to seek employment to help out my Mom with the home's expenses. So I never had that experience. But I often wondered how it would have been with the Boy Scouts or (older Guys), had I gotten the opportunity. So every time I hear about discrimination against Gays-Homos, Lesbians, and Atheists. I shudder to think that in my time, there was no such thing ever mentioned or even contemplated.
Incidentally, we also had A Girl Guide Movement, A Sea Scouts Movement, and an Elite Scout movement that was associated with The Queens College, in British Guiana at that time. This group got a lot of press for their Orchestral & Drum Brigade.
Derryck S. Griffith
Former Boy Scout/Cub.
Our Motto:
I Promise To Do My Best
For God & My Country
And To Help Somebody Everyday!
The Wolf Cub Chant:
We'll Do Our Best.
We'll Dub-Dub-Dub-Dub.
Which basically mean: We Will Do Our Best At All Times!.
I Remember:
Yes, I was once a Wolf Cub in Pack #16. Which was headed by Ms. De Lima our Scout Mistress in those formative years of mine. We were a pack or group of youngsters/teens, in the compound of The St. Philips Church, an (Anglican Diocese Church). Every Wednesday of every week, around 5.00pm. There we assembled as a team of Boy Scouts, supervised by our Scout Master or Masters, who were Older Scouts in the Scout Movement. They were our Role Models, and we all aspired to be like them eventually, when attaining the age of 16 years. Those years were memorable ones, and I often winder if the Scout or Cub movement is still active in Guyana, my homeland.
I recall a Scout Jamboree event when I was a Cub, I cannot remember what year it was. But I can recall singing the Jamboree Song for that 50 year commemoration at the Dorcas Club Hall, where thousands of scouts assembled and celebrated our fifty years of scouting in the British Empire. Incidentally, the British Boys Scout Movement was founded by Lord Baden Powell. I cannot recall what year it was, but as a child growing up in British Guiana (at that time), it was expected that all Christian orientated young boys aught to become or have the opportunity to serve within the Scout Movement. preferably from the level of Boy Scout or Cub, and graduate to the Boy Scouts.
When I was inducted in The Boy Scouts group at that time, we learned how to be good Christians, how to camp out in the open, how to make a fire and cook in the open spaces or forested areas, how to assemble or set-up a tent, how to tie knots, how to cook and swim, and how to march in step as a group, and perform certain ceremonial parades in public as representatives of The Scout Movement.
I never learned how to swim, even after several efforts were made by my buddies to teach me. But I was too scared to learn, and my Scout master and Mistress, never pushed or forced me to do it either!
As far as I can recall, we never discussed sexuality, sexual preferences, religious preferences, or politics. Those things were considered the domain for adults only. As Boy Scouts or Cubs, as we were categorized, we were expected to show respect at all times for our elders, leaders, and instructors. Ask questions when we did not understand anything, and participate in all activities when asked to do so, Regardless of whether our parents were able to afford any monetary contributions that may be asked of them.
We were expected to pay for our individual uniforms, which consisted of a Cub Cap, two short trousers, two short sleeved shirts to go with them, a leather belt with the scout's symbol, a pair of black shoes, with black or dark brown socks as prescribed. A neck Tie or scaft (also prescribed), a whistle, (prescribed), and a languard, or cord that goes under your right arm and up your shoulder lapel.
My Departure:
I left or graduated the Wolf Cub troupe at 15 years, and was unable to join the Boy Scouts movement, because I had to seek employment to help out my Mom with the home's expenses. So I never had that experience. But I often wondered how it would have been with the Boy Scouts or (older Guys), had I gotten the opportunity. So every time I hear about discrimination against Gays-Homos, Lesbians, and Atheists. I shudder to think that in my time, there was no such thing ever mentioned or even contemplated.
Incidentally, we also had A Girl Guide Movement, A Sea Scouts Movement, and an Elite Scout movement that was associated with The Queens College, in British Guiana at that time. This group got a lot of press for their Orchestral & Drum Brigade.
Derryck S. Griffith
Former Boy Scout/Cub.