Sex Education-Safety & Prevention Measures For Men!

February 20-2009:
Sex Education-Safety & Prevention Measures For Men!
Ever since the advent of the HIV virus, the current spread, and prevention education are being used in-effectively. I would like to offer some points or new approaches to solve this national dilemma.
Those who Sef-identify as such, and are sexually attracted to the female gender only.
Those who Self-identify as such, but are sexually attracted to both genders.
Those who Self-identify as such, and have sexual intercourse with both male and females, by choice and desire.
Those who Self-identify as such, and are MOSTLY attracted for sexual intercourse with the male gender, and may not be inclined to indulge in sexual intercourse with females.
Sex Workers:
Those who Self-identify as such, and obtain money or other gifts, for sexual favors. Be it sexual intercourse, done by visual means, oral, verbal, anal, vaginal, or by submission.
Those who so Self-identify as such, may be aligned with an agency, that pays them a commission for every client provided them. Or prefer to be employed with an agency that provides discreet clients of a certain calibre,financial status, and social standing.
DL (Down Low):
Those who Self-identify as such, and indulges in sexual intercourse with both male and females. Some of these men may be married, un-married, have children or not, and prefer to operate covertly. For fear of social reprisals from friends, co-workers, relatives, his family, or the immediate community he resides in.
Those who Self-identify as such, may prefer any sexual activity that he enjoys. Certain fetishes that are socially stigmatized, tend to be some of these men's tastes and desires. Such men are sometimes categorized within the Out Gay community as "Bottoms."
Because most of these men enjoy sexual intercourse via being penetrated via the rectum, or penetrating his partner via the rectum. This category tends not to have most sexual hangups like others do. They are more interested in sexual pleasure as the ultimate goal.
Packaging Prevention Education:
With the above categories explained, I shall venture to explain how this prevention education package aught to be prepared, and sold to the community at large.
Very often men tend to go to FORA where he feels socially acceptable, affinity, and in keeping with his own concept of male or machismo images. If the environment does not confirm to his own image of himself sexually, then he will not want to be seen going there, or associating with that forum either.
For they cater to the Gay communities, that provides STD, HIV, and STI's prevention education, are not the fora that will attract self-identified Heterosexuals, Bisexuals, or the Down Low types. This is commonly so, because of obvious reasons. Therefore, those of us who provide such education or facilities MUST re-think or re-package this information to suit their clientele, in a realistic and practical manner.
Solely catering to the City, State, or Federal modules or categories, may not work in a constantly changing environment. And will not, as history has shown, give us adequate results that would make funding and prevention worthwhile.
Therefore, if all of the above sexual categories could be placed into ONE PACKAGE, and specifically targeted to MEN generally, (without any sexual preferences or identity). This new and realistic approach might very well bear more fruit in the end.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Labels: HIV Prevention