Commercial Sex Is Not Sex-It Is Dehumanizing!

April 01-2010:
Commercial Sex Is Not Sex-It Is Dehumanizing!
Every time I see a music video showing half naked so-called beautiful women and men showing lots of skin, in a seductive manner. I wince in disgust because I realize that these men and women in real life, are not in the least representative of Good and Pleasurable sex or sexual activity.
In the USA, SEX is still taboo in most communities. People don't ever discuss this at home, with their children, or even peers, unless it has to do with some depravity, rape, incest, pedophilia, or pornographic seduction. Sex is still perceived as A DIRTY thing. Americans even refer to it as Doing The Nasty. Well, that says it all!
Sex For Pleasure Or Sex For Release:
I often wonder how many people really and truly enjoy sexual intercourse whenever they are able to get some. And I wonder if there is enough time in that moment to truly explore one's true emotions and feelings of Pleasure. And if at the conclusion, you ask yourself was it worth the effort?
Or was it so self-centered, that you couldn't care less if the other party felt any pleasure, or enjoyed that activity with you. Because you indulged your desire to some degree, and it was good as you could possible expect it to be?
Is Sexual Intercourse Something Good & Pleasurable For You?
Some people (globally), still feel that sex if strictly for procreation purposes only. And women were created to facilitate this activity for men. And the men in some cultures expect them to accommodate them sexually, but not enjoy the activity themselves, less they are perceived as whores, and may tend to look at other men for sexual pleasure.
This is unfortunate, because humans are not genetically programmed to indulge in sexual activity according to some mating season. We are inclined to indulge in sexual activities (of all sorts), regardless of the time or day such desires or needs compel us to act.
So Why Are We So Paranoid About Sex?
Religion, Culture, and Male domination are all part of this dilemma, and it is not getting any better. In fact, with the current surge in Islamization within Muslim countries. Sexual activity (especially for women), is being monitored, regulated, and censored on an increasing scale. While the men RAPE women and Men alike with impunity.
Labels: SEX