Thursday, May 26, 2011

Clitoris Removal Or Female Circumcision In Africa!

May 26-2011:

Clitoris Removal Or Female Circumcision In Africa!

Some Gay/Homosexual men are always complaining about the stigma against them in this world. But most Gay/Homosexual men are allowed to indulge their sexual preferences, (at least in the developed world). Free from imprisonment, mutilation, or castration.

This is not so for thousands of young girls in some African states. They are expected to get their clitoris removed before, or fail to get married altogether. This is a traditional practice, and in some places, the mothers of these young women actually FORCE their girl children to undergo this brutal mutilation of her clitoris.

It is believed that after circumcision the girl would not desire any other man but her husband. But what happens is that after the clitoris is removed surgically, (mostly by some crude tribal midwife or elder woman, with a knife). Some girls bleed profusely afterwards. And some girls even die if the procedure goes badly too.

The circumcised girl is unable to feel or be stimulated sexually after being circumcised. All that she is expected to do, is provide her husband children, and allow him to be sexually satisfied whenever he so desire. Her sexual satisfaction is of no importance to her husband in these cultures.

So Gay men when you are advocating for changes to STIGMA and social ridicule, consider your sisters in Africa who do not have this right, or privilege. Or even the support, mostly in these regions where it is established, and are rigidly enforced!



Saturday, May 21, 2011

Who Is Qualified To Speak For The Black American Homosexual Community?

May 21-2011.

Who Is Qualified To Speak For The Black American Homosexual Community?

Firstly, Homosexuality in the Black American communities are as varied in concept, as it is in complexion. And it is certainly not homogenous either.

Secondly, I don't know if there is any desire within the Black Homosexual Communities to want someone, or some Role Model for us to aspire to or emulate.

Thirdly, Homosexuals in the Black Homosexual Communities desire different things, different Role Models, and different Support systems.

For example, most of those Homos who are religions freaks, or consider themselves church going Christians, are not inclined to identify with the rest of the Homosexual community. Especially those who are Openly Homosexual.

And would not appreciate the idea or openness to their sexual identity or preferences. They would much prefer it to be left hidden, or operate on the Down Low. Their Christian upbringing or beliefs hinder their ability to accept themselves as Homosexuals, God's children that were created so, and loved for whom they are.

So this guilt will always stalk them whenever such issues like homosexual identity, behavior, and acceptance, comes up.

Finally, Don Lemon's desire or preference for a White or Caucasian lover is his own desire and his own choice. Why should anyone feel offended by his choice of a Lover or Fuck buddy?

No human in his or her right mind can pre-determine who or what ethnic gender he or she will be sexually attracted to. Love and Sexual attraction comes with some very subtle triggers. And it hits you like a thunderbolt, so suddenly that you ask yourself after it happens this question.

Who would have believed that I would be attracted to so and so, or find so and so sexually or physically attractive?

That is life, and the human organism can never be fully comprehended, much less placed in a single category sexually, or otherwise.



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Don Lemon (CNN Anchor) Comes Out The Closet At 45 Years Of Age!

May 17-2011.

My response to:

Don Lemon (CNN Anchor) Comes Out The Closet At 45 Years Of Age!

So What? Does it make any difference for his personal, public, or working life?

I just don't know! But sometimes I wonder what motivates some of us (especially Black Americans), to feel the need to do this self sexual orientation revelation thing?

The White Gay/Homosexuals mostly feel that it is necessary to do so, for several reasons, that most of us are au fait with. But for Blacks generally, revealing one's sexual orientation or preferences are a totally different thing altogether.

Blacks all over the world still have a hard time acknowledging men who have sex with men as NORMAL behavior. Be it from a religious or cultural perspective, it will always be a big deal for Black men and women alike to accept and appreciate.

So if Don Lemon wants to tell the world about his sexual needs, or desires, that is his choice. But I still cannot see what difference it will make for any Black male or female who are homosexual, closeted, or in denial about it.



Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Requesting Validation For HIV?

May 04-2011.

Requesting Validation For HIV?

To ask a potential Fuck buddy or Lover to show you some validation for his or her HIV status is most ridiculous, to say the least.

Could anyone show validation for HIV, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes, Hepatitis-A-B-C, and Chlamydia, up to and at that point in time, before you are about to engage in sexual intercourse (of any sort)?

Whenever I see and read such nonsense I wonder why people believe or promote this ridiculous idea?

Is it because the CDC advocates for this position?

Or is it because those who do, lack the intellectual ability to decipher what is sensible and what is nonsensical behavior or enquiry?

Finally, if you intend to indulge in any sexual activity. It is your responsibility to do whatever you feel confident doing with your partner sexually. Regardless of what he/she says to you.

Everyone is liable to be infected with any sexually transmitted disease, regardless of their supposed fidelity, safe practices, or commitment to one partner.



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