In a political and religious climate of conservatism, these discourses are absolutely necessary!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
If You Are GAY Or Homosexual-Do Not Enlist Into The US Military!

March 13-2007:
Time To Admit That You Like Men Or Women Sexually-Or Don't Ever Go Into The US Military!
It seems like many Gay or Homosexual men and women still don't get it, when it comes to Self-identification or Admitting that they are sexually attracted to the same gender.
Time To Admit That You Like Men Or Women Sexually-Or Don't Ever Go Into The US Military!
It seems like many Gay or Homosexual men and women still don't get it, when it comes to Self-identification or Admitting that they are sexually attracted to the same gender.
And they enlist in the military, only to wake up one morning and find some buddy or sister, scrutinizing them for watching them a certain way, or for seemingly getting a 'Boner' when in the shower, or in the Billet or Barrack room
So many Gay or Homosexual men and women find themselves trapped, and cannot get out the US military, because they fooled themselves about their true sexual orientation and desires. When fellow buddies are asked what they did during 'Liberty,' they cannot say anything believable. Some or most do not socialize with fellow comrades during off times or Liberty, because questions are asked (especially among the men), about one's conquests, drinking bouts,or fraternizing with fellow female inmates, or at the local Pub.
So many Gay or Homosexual men and women find themselves trapped, and cannot get out the US military, because they fooled themselves about their true sexual orientation and desires. When fellow buddies are asked what they did during 'Liberty,' they cannot say anything believable. Some or most do not socialize with fellow comrades during off times or Liberty, because questions are asked (especially among the men), about one's conquests, drinking bouts,or fraternizing with fellow female inmates, or at the local Pub.
So those who choose to lie about their sexcapades, discovers soon afterwards that enquiries were made by their buddies from the women they alleged to have had sex or romped with. Only to be told the negative. Then they are pressed to explain themselves convincingly, without stuttering.
*Most cannot do so.
* Most are not believable.
*And this leads to suspicion, rumor spreading, taunting, and excessive prying into their social behavior.
That is how they are found out mostly by fellow comrades. Some take pride in outing his or her suspicious barrack buddy, roommate, or platoon buddy.
Now why would anyone want to experience this kind of humiliation, embarrassment, and possibly dis-honorable discharge from the military if found to be Gay? Only FOOLS make those decisions! Or is it misguided patriotism that cause most Gay or closeted Homosexuals to enlist in the US military?
Whatever it is, I strongly advise that Homos and closeted Homos, should think very seriously before taking that step towards enlistment. Because once you are able to get in UNDETECTED, you and you guilt, and conscience, have to deal with that reality on a daily basis. And that trauma is never healthy for anyone, much less an enlisted man or women in a military that does not approve or desire their service!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Date: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:32 pm
If You Are Gay Or Homo-Do Not Enlist Into The US Military!
I retired from the USN in year 2000 after 23 years of service.And I was gay from day one, served on ships and military hospitals. It's all about being smart, and keeping your business to yourself. Although, there are liers and cheats who suspected me and others were gay, and believe it or not, they lied about you to authorities in an attempt to expose you. Ya just gotta stand your ground and your sexuality, and your business.
I retired from the USN in year 2000 after 23 years of service.And I was gay from day one, served on ships and military hospitals. It's all about being smart, and keeping your business to yourself. Although, there are liers and cheats who suspected me and others were gay, and believe it or not, they lied about you to authorities in an attempt to expose you. Ya just gotta stand your ground and your sexuality, and your business.
While stationed on the USS AMERICA (CV-66) in 1983, the NIS (Naval Investigative Service) question crew members about suspected gays, and several times throughout my 3 year ship tour we were waken up without warning at ungodly hours (3AM), handcuffed, walked from your sleeping quarters through the passageway to the rear of the ship, embarrassed while being pushed pass other crew members.
The NIS would question us for hours, kinda like a Dick Tracy scene in the dark with a bright light in your face exactly like that. Unfortunately, many broke down and admitted their homosexuality. Me having been the strong one at 23 yrs old, many cried on my shoulders, one committed suicide and died.
Such NIS interrogation techniques are now illegal, and were actually illegal then. Therefore, joining the military can be an okay thing if you desire. I would have retired after 30 years vice 23 years, but I acquired diabetes and retired early, and at an E-9 rank. The military will screw you if you let them, and I am sensitive to this type of subject matter. At the end of every month Uncle Sam sends me that good 'ole retirement check (18K/yr), and I thank him from the bottom of my bank account. And for all of those
haters of Gays for no good reason, Fuck you, I did my time, and you couldn't do it if you tried.
haters of Gays for no good reason, Fuck you, I did my time, and you couldn't do it if you tried.
Saturday, March 10, 2007

Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 22:25:47 +0300
Subject: hello my friend
I saw your announcement concerning a site familiar
I am really happy, on which you have answered me!
You interested me, also I want to communicate to you on closer. I search from serious relations, instead of it is simple from the friend on the correspondence. It - is a little about itself. If you knew, as I am lonely here. There are no friends in me very much, But such who -has understood me which - I loved. In the first I shall tell to you a little about me directly.
I am really happy, on which you have answered me!
You interested me, also I want to communicate to you on closer. I search from serious relations, instead of it is simple from the friend on the correspondence. It - is a little about itself. If you knew, as I am lonely here. There are no friends in me very much, But such who -has understood me which - I loved. In the first I shall tell to you a little about me directly.
Me name Aleks and me 28 years. Yes, I live in the perfect city Kazan! You can find it on a map of Russia If will lead a finger across river Volga! My city will go, merge from the rivers Volgas and Kazanka! It- the capital of republic Tatarstan! I study as the last 5 norms of ours universityI, very much love sports meets, and I am borrowed in it on a regular basis!
I have studied the English language in institute and at school, but it - is not enough of it! Now I study according to special programs! I am happy, which saw in! The Internet the information concerning a site where acquaint gays. Understand in us here people, they very much do not love gays -do not recognize us! We at all have no any places where we can meet! My parents know, that I cheerful, but they do not speak anybody about it, even to my friends!
I have studied the English language in institute and at school, but it - is not enough of it! Now I study according to special programs! I am happy, which saw in! The Internet the information concerning a site where acquaint gays. Understand in us here people, they very much do not love gays -do not recognize us! We at all have no any places where we can meet! My parents know, that I cheerful, but they do not speak anybody about it, even to my friends!
As those cannot understand, and then I can have the big problems here! Local nacionalist does not consider us for people which I once should even beat Then we with my family have been compelled to move to other area! But I till now am afraid of whom -that from them to see, they can even kill me! They have no soul and there is no heart!
I tried to search for the partner here, I even carried on dialogue with 3 mans, and about one even we were together within 4 months, But we understand in us here there is no future is has killed damned nacionalist! You understand me, I now have left from this awful condition!
Understand, that I search not simply dialogue, to me - necessary stability and serious relations! I do not want to leave from the country up to me not the relation of people, here is pleasant, but if! America in this plan is much better the country than mine, Therefore I also have decided to search on me directly for the partner there!
Understand, that I search not simply dialogue, to me - necessary stability and serious relations! I do not want to leave from the country up to me not the relation of people, here is pleasant, but if! America in this plan is much better the country than mine, Therefore I also have decided to search on me directly for the partner there!
I still never was abroad, but on the TV I see, That in you even marriages in some Staffordshire are solved. I shall tell to you at once honourly, I correspond not only to you, to me answered with 2 men! I have answered your announcement. In general I do not know, why - simply I have given up as hopeless in the sky! Hope to me I was successful it, also has encountered it for whom searched! Tell about itself as! I want to know about your city, about you, about your family!
I hope to you, liked. I hope to see the answer from you. At least I shall wait very much! And if you want to play simply with me, actually - do not write better. As I estimate in people first of all honesty and sincerity. It is a pity, that I could not answer your letter earlier, Write to me, I shall look forward,
With gratitude
Aleks - the Best regards, cossaksAttachment: e82ebf33.jpg (37.40KB)
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Tuesday, March 06, 2007
What Is The Best Thing About Being GAY?

March 06-2007:
What's The Best Thing About Being Gay?
Personally, I think this question should have be framed differently! For the following reasons:
* Is being Gay a feather in one's cap?
* Is being Gay something to shout about?
* And is being Gay, gives you some special recognition, a medal, or social status?
In the world that we all reside and have our being, Gays or Homosexuals are still being Killed, Harassed, Imprisoned, Be-headed, Raped, Hanged, and does not enjoy the very BASICS of Human and Civil rights, that most Heterosexuals take for granted. In Moslem and Islamic ruled countries, Gay or Homosexual men and women dare not openly say they are Gay, Lesbian, or Homosexual, because that could mean instant death for that unfortunate individual. So they 'by and large' say it very quietly among those they feel they can trust.
In the world that we all reside and have our being, Gays or Homosexuals are still being Killed, Harassed, Imprisoned, Be-headed, Raped, Hanged, and does not enjoy the very BASICS of Human and Civil rights, that most Heterosexuals take for granted. In Moslem and Islamic ruled countries, Gay or Homosexual men and women dare not openly say they are Gay, Lesbian, or Homosexual, because that could mean instant death for that unfortunate individual. So they 'by and large' say it very quietly among those they feel they can trust.
Do you know that in Palestine, the Police and other Security forces target suspected Gay or Homosexual men, lure them to certain places where they feel that they are meeting someone for a fling or trick safely. Then have them arrested, charged them for acting 'in their eyes' as prostitutes for sex with men.
Then there are some Security and Police elements who assign suspected or targeted individuals to SPY on suspected homosexuals, and report back to the authorities when they find someone or some suspect. These informers are called in local parlance, 'GOATS.'
In Nigeria, Homosexuals had a feeling recently when the national parliament there, ruled in favor of Gay or Homosexual rights. But getting that legislation enforced is another matter. You cannot force or legislate for people to love, accept, or treat you without prejudice. That is a mental attitude which Nigerians, and Jamaicans too, will have to make happen some time in the future.
Then there are some Security and Police elements who assign suspected or targeted individuals to SPY on suspected homosexuals, and report back to the authorities when they find someone or some suspect. These informers are called in local parlance, 'GOATS.'
In Nigeria, Homosexuals had a feeling recently when the national parliament there, ruled in favor of Gay or Homosexual rights. But getting that legislation enforced is another matter. You cannot force or legislate for people to love, accept, or treat you without prejudice. That is a mental attitude which Nigerians, and Jamaicans too, will have to make happen some time in the future.
But currently, homosexuals in those countries have to LAY VERY LOW for personal safety. We here in The USA have certain legal rights that we have fought for over the recent years. Some or most of these well deserved rights are threatened whenever a Republican controlled House and Senate is in office. So even here we are not too certain about our future rights as a community, within the mainstream of things.
So we are still in a very shaky position politically, socially in some states, and even physically at risk, in most states, when it comes to personal safety, Police brutality, employment discrimination, military hiring or recruitment, military discharge if found out, under a DUMB law that says, 'Don't Ask Don't Tell."
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Drug & Alcohol Addiction For Homeless/Gay Men!

March 03-2007:
Drug & Alcoholic Addiction For Young/Homeless Gay Men!
Historically, many Gay men have had a history of alcohol, drugs, and other substance usage. It is triggered primarily from the social, societal, home pressures or abuses (verbal and physical), the inability to feel needed, and wanted for who they are, etc.
And have caused many Gay men to visit the Bars on weekends and get wasted mostly. It is also the place where you will find several Out Gay Men, your age, willing and ready to sleep with you, especially when intoxicated. Enjoy each other's company for the few hours there, and feel a sense of belonging. Even though this comraderie is fleeting, and sometimes even dangerous. It is what most young and not so young Gay men depend upon as their social life, or for socializing with other Gay men.
For those Gay men young and older, who do not drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, do reefers or marijuana, or shoot up drugs. These places are a No-No for them. And they very often have a problem in finding suitable places to hang out, that caters to Gay men period. Much less those who are clean, use no drugs, and is not Christian, or practicing any religious belief. Staying drug free is not easy from most young Gay men. Especially those from another state of city, the homeless, the sexually abused, and the runaways.
Some of these young Gay men never had a good primary education, and most did not stay in school long enough to graduate with a High School Diploma, or GED certificate. Prostitution is what most of them who are homeless do to survive from day to day. Some are killed, raped, introduced to Escorting for a living, get hooked up with a Pimp, or becomes a Sex Slave until arrested, imprisoned, or end up dead. Gay life for most of these men and women are a day to day drama. Fights, shop-lifting, selling Rocks/Crack, or stealing to eat or shoot up, is what they do to survive.
Most of these young Gay men and women will never be able to have, enjoy, or commit themselves to any meaningful relationship with anyone, after living on the streets for a long time. Or even indulging in prostitution, drug use, or being imprisoned intermittently for several years or months. The psychological and mental damage to these youngsters is for life. And no amount of counseling will eradicate these demons totally. Many see themselves as fierce Queens, who is living for the moment while they are still young, appealing, or attractive. The future is never seriously contemplated on by most of these men and women.
This phenomena is endemic in the Inner cities, and poor neighborhoods. Especially in communities where rampant poverty, destitution, and language barriers exist. The inability to meander the health, and social facilities that are available to them. And the stigma that homelessness, Gay, Lesbian, Tansgender, and Homeless people have to deal with on a daily basis, is the principal barriers that inhibit them from seeking meaningful help and assistance.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
PS: Be very careful with whom you drink, eat, sleep, or have sex with.
At all times!