Monday, May 11, 2009

Revamp The Don't Ask Don't Tell legislation NOW!

May 11-2009:

Revamp The Don't Ask Don't Tell legislation NOW!

Dear Mr. President,

I implore you to repeal this unjust, disgraceful, and un-democratic legislation, that inhibits American Gays and Lesbians from serving this country within our military.

This law was enacted with the assent of your predecessor president Bill Clinton, who chose to respond to his fear of political loss, to accommodate those whose prejudice have cost this nation dearly, in combating terror.

It is now high time to Repeal this disgraceful peace of legislation IMMEDIATELY, and give our Gay and Lesbian sons and daughters the chance to serve again, in the open, without fear, embarrassment, or dishonor, if discovered for their sexual preferences.


Derryck S. Griffith.

Please go to

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Prostitutes Are Not Accepted Within The Gay Communities!

May 07-2009:

Prostitutes Are Not Accepted Within The Gay Communities!

It is high time that this distinction be made quite clear to the Gay Communities, and the rest of the world. Because there are salient differences in life styles, sexual conduct/activities, political awareness and advocacy.

The Gay Identified Community:

When the GAY concept was generally introduced and accepted, it was based upon the following beliefs and political issues!

* Those Homosexual men and women who chose to be OPEN with their sexual preferences and sefl-identity as such.

* Those openly Homosexual men and women who decided that it was absolutely necessary for our 
communities concerns, be heard by our political representatives at the City, State, and Federal levels.

* Those Homosexual men and women who self-identify as Gay, decided also to become physical with their advocacy for Funding for people living with HIV/AIDS. 

* Gay men who need medical coverage or assistance for most or all of their health needs, that the rest of society was getting, accessing, or was entitled to.

* And it was the concern of those Homosexual men and women who were infected with the HIV virus, to ensure that their positive brothers and sisters get housing, medicare, health coverage, and medications for the treatment or prevention of the spread of HIV, especially Prevention Education, Condom Distribution, and Needle Exchange Equipment and Distribution centers.

* And finally to ensure that our concerns are heard and represented at every level of the political process or hierarchy, to ensure parity, inclusion, and the continual awareness of our concerns nationally.

All of the above issues and concerns are still being addressed by Gay and Homosexual men and women across the spectrum of our many and varied communities. 

But it would be GROSSLY unfair, or Dis-respectful for Gay men who indulge in SEX FOR Pay or PROSTITUTION, to be identified with our communities, or our concerns, for the following reasons.

* Homosexual men or women who use their bodies for sexual favors or money, does not fit the profile above established
 for GAY men.

* Homosexuals who indulge in Prostitution full time, or part time, do not fit the Gay men's profile either.

Because the men and women do so strictly for money, could not care less for the issues that impact or of concern for the larger Gay communities, because those issues are not in their commercial or financial interests.

And to use the Gay community, as a means to garner help, support, protection, or political benefits, is presumptuous, harmful, parasitical, and usurping.


Gay men who have fought for the freedom to Love whomever they chose, Marry whomever the chose, Sleep with whomever they chose, Hangout with whomever they chose, will not COMPROMISE our political achievements or benefits, with PROSTITUTES and SPONGES among us, masquerading as Gay men!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


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